Tungsten isotopes in Baffin Island lavas: Evidence of Iceland plume evolution
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![]() Figure 1 (a) μ182W and (b) μ183W for Alfa Aesar standard, NIST 3163 standard, and Baffin Island lavas. | ![]() Figure 2 Conceptual model of a stratified Iceland plume source region. (a) On Gyr timescales, diffusion across the CMB may lower μ182W and raise 3He/4He in the lowermost mantle on different length scales. (b) In such a scenario, there would be isotopic gradients in the lowermost mantle from the core (μ182W = −200, 3He/4He = 120 Ra) to ambient mantle (μ182W = 0, 3He/4He = 8 Ra). Iceland and Baffin Island mantle sources may derive from within and beyond the region impacted by W isotopic diffusion, respectively. Calculations for the isotopic composition curves are in the Supplementary Information and assume a diffusion timescale of 1 Gyr. | ![]() Figure 3 (a) Modern mantle μ182W may be a function of the mantle residence time, | ![]() Table 1 Tungsten isotopic compositions of the Baffin Island samples. μ182W and μ183W are reported as deviations from the Alfa Aesar standard (182W/184W = 0.864888 ± 0.000006 and 183W/184W = 0.467151 ± 0.000004, 2 s.e., n = 8) and normalised to 186W/184W, denoted by subscript 6/4. 2 s.e. represents the internal run precision of each individual analyses. |
Figure 1 | Figure 2 | Figure 3 | Table 1 |
Geochemical heterogeneities preserved in Earth since its formation place fundamental constraints on planetary accretion and long-term evolution. Mantle plumes that sample the deepest portions of the mantle contain isotopic evidence of ancient, >4.5 Gyr, geochemical reservoirs that survived the mixing caused by giant impacts during the final stages of planetary accretion and billions of years of mantle convection (Mundl-Petermeier et al., 2019
Mundl-Petermeier, A., Walker, R.J., Jackson, M.G., Blichert-Toft, J., Kurz, M.D., Halldórsson, S.A. (2019) Temporal evolution of primordial tungsten-182 and 3He/4He signatures in the Iceland mantle plume. Chemical Geology 525, 245–259. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.07.026
). Two competing models have emerged that might explain the preservation of these ancient heterogeneities: (1) the preservation of ancient gas-rich mantle domains (e.g., Kurz et al., 1982Kurz, M.D., Jenkins, W.J., Hart, S.R. (1982) Helium isotopic systematics of oceanic islands and mantle heterogeneity. Nature 297, 43–47. https://doi.org/10.1038/297043a0
) and (2) core–mantle chemical exchange since planetary accretion (e.g., Rizo et al., 2019Rizo, H., Andrault, D., Bennett, N.R., Humayun, M., Brandon, A., Vlastelic, I., Moine, B., Poirier, A., Bouhifd, M.A., Murphy, D.T. (2019) 182W evidence for core-mantle interaction in the source of mantle plumes. Geochemical Perspectives Letters 11, 6–11. https://doi.org/10.7185/geochemlet.1917
). To test these hypotheses, we measured the tungsten (W) isotopic composition of Baffin Island lavas erupted above the Iceland mantle plume, which contains high-3He/4He ratios that have been uniquely well preserved since planetary formation.The 182Hf-182W isotope system is a sensitive tracer of core–mantle interaction. During the first ∼60 Myr of solar system history, 182W was produced by the decay of the now extinct radionuclide 182Hf (t1/2 = 8.9 Myr; Vockenhuber et al., 2004
Vockenhuber, C., Bichler, M., Golser, R., Kutschera, W., Priller, A., Steier, P., Winkler, S. (2004) 182Hf, a new isotope for AMS. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 223–224, 823–828. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2004.04.152
). The upper terrestrial mantle has μ182W ≈ 0 (where μ182W = [(182W/184W)sample/(182W/184W)standard − 1] × 106), which is substantially higher than the average μ182W of chondrites of approximately −190 (Kleine et al., 2009Kleine, T., Touboul, M., Bourdon, B., Nimmo, F., Mezger, K., Palme, H., Jacobsen, S.B., Yin, Q.-Z., Halliday, A.N. (2009) Hf–W chronology of the accretion and early evolution of asteroids and terrestrial planets. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73, 5150–5188. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2008.11.047
). Because Hf is lithophile while W is moderately siderophile under reducing conditions (e.g., Wade et al., 2013Wade, J., Wood, B.J., Norris, C.A. (2013) The oxidation state of tungsten in silicate melt at high pressures and temperatures. Chemical Geology 335, 189–193. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2012.10.011
), core formation increased the Hf/W of the mantle and left the metallic core with Hf/W near zero. The superchondritic μ182W of the mantle thus most likely reflects core formation during the lifetime of 182Hf, in which case the core has μ182W lower than −190. Therefore, negative μ182W values observed in some mantle plume-related magmas may be evidence of core–mantle exchange (e.g., Rizo et al., 2019Rizo, H., Andrault, D., Bennett, N.R., Humayun, M., Brandon, A., Vlastelic, I., Moine, B., Poirier, A., Bouhifd, M.A., Murphy, D.T. (2019) 182W evidence for core-mantle interaction in the source of mantle plumes. Geochemical Perspectives Letters 11, 6–11. https://doi.org/10.7185/geochemlet.1917
). Alternatively, the lowermost mantle could host ancient isotopic heterogeneities, either resulting from early silicate differentiation events (e.g., Touboul et al., 2012Touboul, M., Puchtel, I.S., Walker, R.J. (2012) 182W Evidence for Long-Term Preservation of Early Mantle Differentiation Products. Science 335, 1065–1069. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1216351
) or introduced during the late accretion of chondritic material with low μ182W relative to the terrestrial mantle (e.g., Willbold et al., 2011Willbold, M., Elliott, T., Moorbath, S. (2011) The tungsten isotopic composition of the Earth’s mantle before the terminal bombardment. Nature 477, 195–198. https://doi.org/10.1038/nature10399
).Intriguingly, some of the lowest μ182W values have been measured in lavas with elevated 3He/4He compared to upper mantle values (greater than ∼8 Ra, where Ra is the atmospheric ratio; e.g., Mundl-Petermeier et al., 2020
Mundl-Petermeier, A., Walker, R.J., Fischer, R.A., Lekic, V., Jackson, M.G., Kurz, M.D. (2020) Anomalous 182W in high 3He/4He ocean island basalts: Fingerprints of Earth’s core? Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 271, 194–211. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2019.12.020
). This suggests that μ182W anomalies are associated with geochemical reservoirs that retain primordial 3He trapped during planetary accretion before nebular gases dispersed, or 3He that was accreted later from solar wind irradiated meteoritic material (Mukhopadhyay and Parai, 2019Mukhopadhyay, S., Parai, R. (2019) Noble Gases: A Record of Earth’s Evolution and Mantle Dynamics. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 47, 389–419. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-earth-053018-060238
). Traditionally, high 3He/4He has been attributed to the preservation of primordial mantle domains, either in the entire lower mantle (e.g., Kurz et al., 1982Kurz, M.D., Jenkins, W.J., Hart, S.R. (1982) Helium isotopic systematics of oceanic islands and mantle heterogeneity. Nature 297, 43–47. https://doi.org/10.1038/297043a0
) or within certain regions in the lower mantle (e.g., Rizo et al., 2016Rizo, H., Walker, R.J., Carlson, R.W., Horan, M.F., Mukhopadhyay, S., Manthos, V., Francis, D., Jackson, M.G. (2016) Preservation of Earth-forming events in the tungsten isotopic composition of modern flood basalts. Science 352, 809–812. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aad8563
). Alternatively, high-3He/4He helium concentrated in the core might escape and become entrained in mantle plumes (Bouhifd et al., 2013Bouhifd, M.A., Jephcoat, A.P., Heber, V.S., Kelley, S.P. (2013) Helium in Earth’s early core. Nature Geoscience 6, 982–986. https://doi.org/10.1038/ngeo1959
). If so, core–mantle exchange may explain the observation that high-3He/4He ratios correlate with low μ182W in some mantle plumes (Mundl-Petermeier et al., 2019Mundl-Petermeier, A., Walker, R.J., Jackson, M.G., Blichert-Toft, J., Kurz, M.D., Halldórsson, S.A. (2019) Temporal evolution of primordial tungsten-182 and 3He/4He signatures in the Iceland mantle plume. Chemical Geology 525, 245–259. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.07.026
, 2020Mundl-Petermeier, A., Walker, R.J., Fischer, R.A., Lekic, V., Jackson, M.G., Kurz, M.D. (2020) Anomalous 182W in high 3He/4He ocean island basalts: Fingerprints of Earth’s core? Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 271, 194–211. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2019.12.020
). As more data become available, however, the correlation between W and He isotopic compositions in modern ocean island basalts (OIBs) seems less universal.Lavas erupted at c. 62 Ma on Baffin Island above the Iceland mantle plume have the highest 3He/4He of any measured terrestrial igneous rock (Horton et al., 2023
Horton, F., Asimow, P.D., Farley, K.A., Curtice, J., Kurz, M.D., Blusztajn, J., Biasi, J., Boyes, X.M. (2023) Highest terrestrial 3He/4He credibly from the core. Nature 623, 90–94. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-06590-8
) and therefore contain an unusually pure primordial helium component. Thus, if high 3He/4He is sourced from the core, it might reasonably be expected that these lavas also exhibit low μ182W. In this study, we reassess μ182W in high-3He/4He lavas from Baffin Island because previous attempts to measure their W isotopic compositions have produced inconsistent results (Rizo et al., 2016Rizo, H., Walker, R.J., Carlson, R.W., Horan, M.F., Mukhopadhyay, S., Manthos, V., Francis, D., Jackson, M.G. (2016) Preservation of Earth-forming events in the tungsten isotopic composition of modern flood basalts. Science 352, 809–812. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aad8563
; Jansen et al., 2022Jansen, M.W., Tusch, J., Münker, C., Bragagni, A., Avanzinelli, R., Mastroianni, F., Stuart, F.M., Kurzweil, F. (2022) Upper mantle control on the W isotope record of shallow level plume and intraplate volcanic settings. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 585, 117507. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2022.117507
We analysed glass picked from five Baffin Island pillow lavas containing olivine phenocrysts. Tungsten concentrations (20.9–107.0 ng g−1) correlate with other highly incompatible and immobile elements, such as Th, but do not vary systematically with Sr, Nd, or Hf isotopic compositions (Fig. S-4). Weighted average μ182W and μ183W are −2.7 ± 6.6 and +2.8 ± 6.6, respectively (2 s.d., n = 5; Table 1, Fig. 1). All μ182W and μ183W from individual samples are indistinguishable at the 2 s.e. confidence level from the Alfa Aesar and NIST SRM 3163 standards (Table S-1, Fig. S-5).
Table 1 Tungsten isotopic compositions of the Baffin Island samples. μ182W and μ183W are reported as deviations from the Alfa Aesar standard (182W/184W = 0.864888 ± 0.000006 and 183W/184W = 0.467151 ± 0.000004, 2 s.e., n = 8) and normalised to 186W/184W, denoted by subscript 6/4. 2 s.e. represents the internal run precision of each individual analyses.
Sample | μ182W6/4 | 2 s.e. | μ183W6/4 | 2 s.e. |
PING18-H16 | −7.3 | 5.0 | −0.6 | 4.5 |
PING18-H2 | −0.6 | 4.2 | 2.2 | 3.5 |
PING18-H20 | 0.5 | 3.8 | 6.9 | 3.3 |
DURB18-H11 | −1.7 | 6.0 | 4.3 | 5.1 |
RB18-H3 | −5.3 | 4.8 | −0.8 | 3.9 |

Figure 1 (a) μ182W and (b) μ183W for Alfa Aesar standard, NIST 3163 standard, and Baffin Island lavas.
The lack of resolvable μ182W anomalies in Baffin Island lavas agrees with the results published by Jansen et al. (2022)
Jansen, M.W., Tusch, J., Münker, C., Bragagni, A., Avanzinelli, R., Mastroianni, F., Stuart, F.M., Kurzweil, F. (2022) Upper mantle control on the W isotope record of shallow level plume and intraplate volcanic settings. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 585, 117507. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2022.117507
and from the stratigraphically similar lavas from West Greenland (Mundl-Petermeier et al., 2019Mundl-Petermeier, A., Walker, R.J., Jackson, M.G., Blichert-Toft, J., Kurz, M.D., Halldórsson, S.A. (2019) Temporal evolution of primordial tungsten-182 and 3He/4He signatures in the Iceland mantle plume. Chemical Geology 525, 245–259. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.07.026
) but differs from the positive μ182W anomalies reported by Rizo et al. (2016)Rizo, H., Walker, R.J., Carlson, R.W., Horan, M.F., Mukhopadhyay, S., Manthos, V., Francis, D., Jackson, M.G. (2016) Preservation of Earth-forming events in the tungsten isotopic composition of modern flood basalts. Science 352, 809–812. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aad8563
. Improvements in N-TIMS techniques, including the ability to quantify the oxygen isotopic compositions during tungsten oxide measurements (see Supplementary Information), give us confidence that these results are more representative of the Baffin Island mantle source than results published in Rizo et al. (2016)Rizo, H., Walker, R.J., Carlson, R.W., Horan, M.F., Mukhopadhyay, S., Manthos, V., Francis, D., Jackson, M.G. (2016) Preservation of Earth-forming events in the tungsten isotopic composition of modern flood basalts. Science 352, 809–812. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aad8563
, which should be interpreted with caution. Also, the absence of μ183W anomalies in data reported here alleviates concerns raised by the Jansen et al. (2022)Jansen, M.W., Tusch, J., Münker, C., Bragagni, A., Avanzinelli, R., Mastroianni, F., Stuart, F.M., Kurzweil, F. (2022) Upper mantle control on the W isotope record of shallow level plume and intraplate volcanic settings. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 585, 117507. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2022.117507
dataset about contamination and mass-independent fractionation.The helium isotopic compositions of Baffin Island lavas are well characterised (e.g., Horton et al., 2023
Horton, F., Asimow, P.D., Farley, K.A., Curtice, J., Kurz, M.D., Blusztajn, J., Biasi, J., Boyes, X.M. (2023) Highest terrestrial 3He/4He credibly from the core. Nature 623, 90–94. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-06590-8
; Table S-2) and have been reported for two samples analysed in this study: olivine crushing experiments for RB18-H3 and PING18-H2 imply minimum magmatic 3He/4He ratios of 36.8 ± 2.0 and 55.1 ± 1.3 Ra, respectively (Horton et al., 2023Horton, F., Asimow, P.D., Farley, K.A., Curtice, J., Kurz, M.D., Blusztajn, J., Biasi, J., Boyes, X.M. (2023) Highest terrestrial 3He/4He credibly from the core. Nature 623, 90–94. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-06590-8
). Olivine separates from the remaining three samples yielded insufficient helium for isotopic characterisation. These samples contained smaller olivines (<1 mm) than the helium-rich samples (>3 mm); we suspect that the low helium contents of the former reflect olivine growth after magma degassing. Nonetheless, the μ182W results reported here are unambiguously associated with high-3He/4He lavas.top
The origins of the tungsten and helium in the Iceland plume. Our μ182W results are unresolvable from the mantle and therefore do not require a core component in Baffin Island lavas source. Yet, the high-3He/4He helium and solar-like neon (Horton et al., 2023
Horton, F., Asimow, P.D., Farley, K.A., Curtice, J., Kurz, M.D., Blusztajn, J., Biasi, J., Boyes, X.M. (2023) Highest terrestrial 3He/4He credibly from the core. Nature 623, 90–94. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-06590-8
) in these rocks and other lavas from the Iceland plume have presumably been preserved in Earth since the late stages of planetary accretion. On a global scale, rock samples from all 15 hotspots with anomalously low μ182W also have anomalously high 3He/4He (Mundl-Petermeier et al., 2020Mundl-Petermeier, A., Walker, R.J., Fischer, R.A., Lekic, V., Jackson, M.G., Kurz, M.D. (2020) Anomalous 182W in high 3He/4He ocean island basalts: Fingerprints of Earth’s core? Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 271, 194–211. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2019.12.020
). This suggests a common origin of both elements in mantle plumes, such as primordial or ancient mantle, late accreted material, or the core.Given the high W concentrations and positive μ182W of Archean crust, small amounts of crustal assimilation could mask a core μ182W signature. Assimilation modelling (see Supplementary Information) predicts correlations between μ182W, trace elements, and long-lived radiogenic isotope ratios that are not observed in our data. This suggests that crustal assimilation is unlikely to have significantly influenced the W isotopic compositions of the Baffin Island lavas. Rather, the lack of μ182W anomalies in Baffin Island high-3He/4He lavas indicates that helium and tungsten in plumes either (a) derive from a common source but are decoupled in the Iceland plume, or (b) have different origins. Either way, plumes appear to form in ways that produce systematic He-W correlations in many cases, but not universally.
The hypothesis that the high-3He/4He ratios are derived from primordial, non-degassed mantle in the Baffin Island lavas is inconsistent with other geochemical constraints, including our new μ182W data. The primordial mantle likely had positive μ182W, based on the positive μ182W compositions of the Moon (Kruijer et al., 2012
Kruijer, T.S., Sprung, P., Kleine, T., Leya, I., Burkhardt, C., Wieler, R. (2012) Hf–W chronometry of core formation in planetesimals inferred from weakly irradiated iron meteorites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 99, 287–304. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2012.09.015
; Touboul et al., 2015Touboul, M., Puchtel, I.S., Walker, R.J. (2015) Tungsten isotopic evidence for disproportional late accretion to the Earth and Moon. Nature 520, 530–533. https://doi.org/10.1038/nature14355
) and mantle-derived rocks in the Archean (e.g., Reimink et al., 2020Reimink, J.R., Mundl-Petermeier, A., Carlson, R.W., Shirey, S.B., Walker, R.J., Pearson, D.G. (2020) Tungsten Isotope Composition of Archean Crustal Reservoirs and Implications for Terrestrial μ182W Evolution. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 21, e2020GC009155. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GC009155
, and references therein). However, modern mantle plumes do not have positive μ182W. Furthermore, the Baffin Island lavas have superchondritic 143Nd/144Nd and 176Hf/177Hf (Willhite et al., 2019Willhite, L.N., Jackson, M.G., Blichert‐Toft, J., Bindeman, I., Kurz, M.D., Halldórsson, S.A., Harðardóttir, S., Gazel, E., Price, A.A., Byerly, B.L. (2019) Hot and Heterogenous High‐3He/4He Components: New Constraints From Proto‐Iceland Plume Lavas From Baffin Island. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 20, 5939–5967. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GC008654
), suggesting they are not derived from a primordial mantle component but a differentiated mantle reservoir. These observations, combined with correlations between high 3He/4He and low μ182W in many hotspots globally, imply the latter likely derive from a common deep Earth reservoir that is not primordial mantle.Ancient differentiated mantle reservoirs that formed while 182Hf was extant are similarly difficult to reconcile with coupled He-W isotopic compositions. Magma ocean silicate cumulates generated in the aftermath of the Moon-forming giant impact should be depleted in incompatible trace elements and might host high-3He/4He helium (Coltice et al., 2011
Coltice, N., Moreira, M., Hernlund, J., Labrosse, S. (2011) Crystallization of a basal magma ocean recorded by Helium and Neon. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 308, 193–199. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2011.05.045
). If formed while 182Hf was extant, cumulates would presumably acquire a positive μ182W composition because W is more incompatible than Hf in silicate minerals (Righter and Shearer, 2003Righter, K., Shearer, C.K. (2003) Magmatic fractionation of Hf and W: constraints on the timing of core formation and differentiation in the Moon and Mars. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 67, 2497–2507. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0016-7037(02)01349-2
). Therefore, an ancient depleted mantle with high 3He/4He would be expected to have higher μ182W than primordial mantle. Furthermore, silicate differentiation would have fractionated Sm from Nd, thereby influencing the abundances of 142Nd—the product of 146Sm decay (t1/2 ≈ 100 Myr)—in the segregates. However, like most post-Archean mantle-derived rocks, Baffin Island (de Leeuw et al., 2017de Leeuw, G.A.M., Ellam, R.M., Stuart, F.M., Carlson, R.W. (2017) 142Nd/144Nd inferences on the nature and origin of the source of high 3He/4He magmas. Earth and Planetary Letters 472, 62–68. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2017.05.005
) and Iceland lavas (Murphy et al., 2010Murphy, D.T., Brandon, A.D., Debaille, V., Burgess, R., Ballentine, C. (2010) In search of a hidden long-term isolated sub-chondritic 142Nd/144Nd reservoir in the deep mantle: Implications for the Nd isotope systematics of the Earth. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74, 738–750. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2009.10.005
) lack 142Nd/144Nd anomalies. This indicates that the Iceland plume did not derive from mantle differentiated during the lifetimes of 146Sm or 182Hf.Silicate differentiation within Hadean crust might have produced restite with low μ182W decoupled from 142Nd/144Nd (Tusch et al., 2022
Tusch, J., Hoffmann, J.E., Hasenstab, E., Fischer-Gödde, M., Marien, C.S., Wilson, A.H., Münker, C. (2022) Long-term preservation of Hadean protocrust in Earth’s mantle. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119, e2120241119. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2120241119
). However, the formation of, and subsequent magmatic differentiation within, Hadean crust would have caused extensive degassing of primordial gases. If so, Hadean crustal restites that foundered into the mantle would acquire low 3He/4He over time. Mantle plumes incorporating such material would acquire positively correlated 3He/4He and μ182W, which is not observed.Alternatively, hidden low-μ182W mantle domains—perhaps formed during late accretion—are potential hosts of primordial 3He. The μ182W of the convecting mantle may have decreased by ∼27 since Moon formation, based on lunar and Eoarchean terrestrial rock compositions (e.g., Willbold et al., 2011
Willbold, M., Elliott, T., Moorbath, S. (2011) The tungsten isotopic composition of the Earth’s mantle before the terminal bombardment. Nature 477, 195–198. https://doi.org/10.1038/nature10399
). About 0.5 wt. % of late accreting chondritic material with high W and highly siderophile element (HSE) concentrations but low μ182W might explain the decline in mantle μ182W (Willbold et al., 2011Willbold, M., Elliott, T., Moorbath, S. (2011) The tungsten isotopic composition of the Earth’s mantle before the terminal bombardment. Nature 477, 195–198. https://doi.org/10.1038/nature10399
). Mantle domains that contain an above average amount of late accreting material have been proposed as alternative sources of negative μ182W (Marchi et al., 2018Marchi, S., Canup, R.M., Walker, R.J. (2018) Heterogeneous delivery of silicate and metal to the Earth by large planetesimals. Nature Geoscience 11, 77–81. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41561-017-0022-3
). However, late accretion seems an unlikely common source of W and He because most late accreting material is expected to have high 3He/4He and to be HSE-rich, yet high-3He/4He helium in late accreting materials would not necessarily enter the mantle, and HSE abundances do not correlate with μ182W or 3He/4He in mantle plumes (e.g., Rizo et al., 2019Rizo, H., Andrault, D., Bennett, N.R., Humayun, M., Brandon, A., Vlastelic, I., Moine, B., Poirier, A., Bouhifd, M.A., Murphy, D.T. (2019) 182W evidence for core-mantle interaction in the source of mantle plumes. Geochemical Perspectives Letters 11, 6–11. https://doi.org/10.7185/geochemlet.1917
). Although estimating the mantle source HSE abundances from the HSE contents of erupted magmas is difficult, to our knowledge, no clear correlation between μ182W and the HSE content has been demonstrated in spite of the wide range in μ182W seen in OIBs.Given the above discussion, combined with W isotope evidence from other mantle plumes, the negative μ182W anomalies (as low as −12.9) in some Iceland high-3He/4He lavas might derive from the core (Mundl-Petermeier et al., 2019
Mundl-Petermeier, A., Walker, R.J., Jackson, M.G., Blichert-Toft, J., Kurz, M.D., Halldórsson, S.A. (2019) Temporal evolution of primordial tungsten-182 and 3He/4He signatures in the Iceland mantle plume. Chemical Geology 525, 245–259. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.07.026
). Even though the Baffin Island lavas do not have a μ182W anomaly outside the analytical uncertainty, the external reproducibility of these samples still allow a small amount of bulk core material (∼1.08 %) mixed with ambient mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB)-like depleted mantle (see Supplementary Information, Fig. S-6). However, bulk mixing of this much core into the mantle is mechanically improbable and inconsistent with the Os concentrations in Iceland and Baffin Island lavas (Rizo et al., 2016Rizo, H., Walker, R.J., Carlson, R.W., Horan, M.F., Mukhopadhyay, S., Manthos, V., Francis, D., Jackson, M.G. (2016) Preservation of Earth-forming events in the tungsten isotopic composition of modern flood basalts. Science 352, 809–812. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aad8563
; Mundl-Petermeier et al., 2019Mundl-Petermeier, A., Walker, R.J., Jackson, M.G., Blichert-Toft, J., Kurz, M.D., Halldórsson, S.A. (2019) Temporal evolution of primordial tungsten-182 and 3He/4He signatures in the Iceland mantle plume. Chemical Geology 525, 245–259. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.07.026
), which limit the amount of bulk core contribution to <0.1 %, assuming 2.83 μg g−1 Os in the core (Day, 2013Day, J.M.D. (2013) Hotspot volcanism and highly siderophile elements. Chemical Geology 341, 50–74. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2012.12.010
).Importantly, 3He/4He appears decoupled from not only W but also from lithophile elements, HSEs, and heavier noble gases in the Iceland plume (e.g., Mundl-Petermeier et al., 2019
Mundl-Petermeier, A., Walker, R.J., Jackson, M.G., Blichert-Toft, J., Kurz, M.D., Halldórsson, S.A. (2019) Temporal evolution of primordial tungsten-182 and 3He/4He signatures in the Iceland mantle plume. Chemical Geology 525, 245–259. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.07.026
). This observation is consistent with helium diffusion into Iceland mantle from—rather than bulk mixing with—a 3He-rich reservoir. Theoretically, He concentration gradients (Horton et al., 2023Horton, F., Asimow, P.D., Farley, K.A., Curtice, J., Kurz, M.D., Blusztajn, J., Biasi, J., Boyes, X.M. (2023) Highest terrestrial 3He/4He credibly from the core. Nature 623, 90–94. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-06590-8
) and W isotopic gradients (Ferrick and Korenaga, 2023Ferrick, A.L., Korenaga, J. (2023) Long-term core–mantle interaction explains W-He isotope heterogeneities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120, e2215903120. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2215903120
) exist across the core–mantle boundary (CMB) that could drive diffusion into the mantle (Fig. 2). Alternatively, He and W diffused into the Iceland plume source from different reservoirs, such as ancient differentiated mantle and the core, respectively.
Figure 2 Conceptual model of a stratified Iceland plume source region. (a) On Gyr timescales, diffusion across the CMB may lower μ182W and raise 3He/4He in the lowermost mantle on different length scales. (b) In such a scenario, there would be isotopic gradients in the lowermost mantle from the core (μ182W = −200, 3He/4He = 120 Ra) to ambient mantle (μ182W = 0, 3He/4He = 8 Ra). Iceland and Baffin Island mantle sources may derive from within and beyond the region impacted by W isotopic diffusion, respectively. Calculations for the isotopic composition curves are in the Supplementary Information and assume a diffusion timescale of 1 Gyr.
Helium may diffuse farther into mantle plume sources than W. Assuming the mantle plume source is stable on Gyr timescales (as expected for large low-shear wave velocity provinces, LLSVPs; e.g., Ferrick and Korenaga, 2023
Ferrick, A.L., Korenaga, J. (2023) Long-term core–mantle interaction explains W-He isotope heterogeneities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120, e2215903120. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2215903120
), the characteristic length scales of diffusion (
Wang, K., Brodholt, J., Lu, X. (2015) Helium diffusion in olivine from first principles calculations. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 156, 145–153. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2015.01.023
) are extrapolated to lower mantle temperatures. For W, this length scale may be only 5–10 km (Ferrick and Korenaga, 2023Ferrick, A.L., Korenaga, J. (2023) Long-term core–mantle interaction explains W-He isotope heterogeneities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120, e2215903120. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2215903120
), suggesting that mantle domains farther from the CMB may be characterised by He but not W isotopic anomalies. If anomalous W and He in the Iceland plume diffused from the core, our results imply that the plume head originated farther from the CMB than the plume tail.Baffin Island mantle may have originated from the periphery of a helium-infused zone in the lowermost mantle (10–40 km from the core), whereas low-μ182W Iceland mantle might have resided nearer the core (Fig. 2). Negative μ182W anomalies may only exist in the Iceland plume tail, which may have preferentially entrained denser material proximal to the core–mantle boundary (Jones et al., 2019
Jones, T.D., Davies, D.R., Sossi, P.A. (2019) Tungsten isotopes in mantle plumes: Heads it’s positive, tails it’s negative. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 506, 255–267. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2018.11.008
). The plume head, from which Baffin Island lavas derived, may have instead entrained primarily portions of the lowermost mantle beyond the diffusion limit of W but still infused with 3He from the core. Thus, plume tails might be the most efficient conveyors of material from the CMB.This model predicts that 3He/4He is highest in lavas with the most negative μ182W, a trend observed for all high-3He/4He hotspots, except the Iceland plume (Jackson et al., 2020
Jackson, M.G., Blichert-Toft, J., Halldórsson, S.A., Mundl-Petermeier, A., Bizimis, M., Kurz, M.D., Price, A.A., Harðardóttir, S., Willhite, L.N., Beddam, K., Becker, T.W., Fischer, R.A. (2020) Ancient helium and tungsten isotopic signatures preserved in mantle domains least modified by crustal recycling. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117, 30993–31001. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2009663117
). Maximum 3He/4He in Iceland plume lavas apparently declined from >65 Ra at 62 Ma (Horton et al., 2023Horton, F., Asimow, P.D., Farley, K.A., Curtice, J., Kurz, M.D., Blusztajn, J., Biasi, J., Boyes, X.M. (2023) Highest terrestrial 3He/4He credibly from the core. Nature 623, 90–94. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-06590-8
) to <26 Ra in the neovolcanic zones of Iceland (Harðardóttir et al., 2018Harðardóttir, S., Halldórsson, S.A., Hilton, D.R. (2018) Spatial distribution of helium isotopes in Icelandic geothermal fluids and volcanic materials with implications for location, upwelling and evolution of the Icelandic mantle plume. Chemical Geology 480, 12–27. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2017.05.012
). This decline could be due to the incorporation of convecting upper mantle into the Iceland plume—enough to explain up to a 40 % MORB component in modern Iceland lavas—as a result of the ridge-centred plume position (Shorttle and Maclennan, 2011Shorttle, O., Maclennan, J. (2011) Compositional trends of Icelandic basalts: Implications for short–length scale lithological heterogeneity in mantle plumes. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 12, Q11008. https://doi.org/10.1029/2011GC003748
). The addition of this much material from the convecting upper mantle would have moderated 3He/4He and μ182W, implying that the Iceland plume itself currently exhibits μ182W closer to −21.Implications for planetary accretion and convecting mantle evolution. By combining μ142Nd and μ182W constraints with our diffusion model, an early Earth chronology emerges. Some Eoarchean rocks have 142Nd anomalies (e.g., Caro et al., 2003
Caro, G., Bourdon, B., Birck, J.-L., Moorbath, S. (2003) 146Sm–142Nd evidence from Isua metamorphosed sediments for early differentiation of the Earth’s mantle. Nature 423, 428–432. https://doi.org/10.1038/nature01668
) produced by igneous differentiation that fractionated Sm and Nd prior to 4 Ga. Such differentiation could be expected to also fractionate Hf from W, so any differentiation that occurred before 182Hf became extinct would have produced μ182W anomalies that would correlate with μ142Nd variations (Touboul et al., 2012Touboul, M., Puchtel, I.S., Walker, R.J. (2012) 182W Evidence for Long-Term Preservation of Early Mantle Differentiation Products. Science 335, 1065–1069. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1216351
). However, correlations between μ142Nd and μ182W are rarely observed. Instead, these observations seem consistent with: (i) a Moon-forming impact after 182Hf was extinct (∼4.5 Ga) that homogenised the silicate portions of the Earth–Moon system, (ii) generation of 142Nd/144Nd anomalies in the mantle by differentiation events that post-dated the Moon-forming impact that were subsequently erased by mixing after the extinction of 146Sm around 4 Ga, and (iii) μ182W decline in the mantle until present caused by CMB diffusion.The inferred mantle μ182W decline since the Hadean requires that the average residence time (τ) of material diffused from the core at the CMB was ≤30 Myr (Fig. 3a). Due to the higher temperatures in early Earth, early mantle convection may have been rapid. Fast convection would also have efficiently homogenised the mantle and, hence, efficient W isotopic transfer across the CMB (Hadean rapid convection path, Fig. 3b). However, μ142Nd and positive μ182W heterogeneities throughout the mantle persisted at least until the end of the Archean, and potentially even for longer (Slowing mantle convection path, Fig. 3b). Perhaps the μ182W of the mantle rapidly decreased during the late Archean to early Proterozoic, coinciding with development of continents and therefore a liminal stage of mantle dynamics. Alternatively, CMB cover by long-term stable structures may have increased in the late Archean (i.e. increasing ξ), inhibiting transfer of core-derived W to the convecting mantle. Either way, this transition suggests a link between continent formation and lower mantle dynamics during the initiation of modern plate tectonics.

Figure 3 (a) Modern mantle μ182W may be a function of the mantle residence time,
τ, at the CMB and the percentage of the core surface area, ξ, insulated by long-term stable structures. We assume that (i) the early mantle had μ182W of the Moon (+27); (ii) basal mantle acquired core-like μ182W corresponding to the characteristic length scale of diffusion (

Ferrick, A.L., Korenaga, J. (2023) Long-term core–mantle interaction explains W-He isotope heterogeneities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120, e2215903120. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2215903120
); and (iii) core-infused mantle parcels mixed efficiently into the bulk mantle. Diffusion can explain a μ182W decline to zero ifτis short (<30 Myr) and the CMB is <20 % insulated. (b) A compilation of μ182W data (Reimink et al., 2020
Reimink, J.R., Mundl-Petermeier, A., Carlson, R.W., Shirey, S.B., Walker, R.J., Pearson, D.G. (2020) Tungsten Isotope Composition of Archean Crustal Reservoirs and Implications for Terrestrial μ182W Evolution. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 21, e2020GC009155. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GC009155
; Nakanishi et al., 2023Nakanishi, N., Puchtel, I.S., Walker, R.J., Nabelek, P.I. (2023) Dissipation of Tungsten-182 Anomalies in the Archean Upper Mantle: Evidence from the Black Hills, South Dakota, USA. Chemical Geology 617, 121255. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2022.121255
) and three potential mantle μ182W trajectories: (i) constantτ= 35 Myr; (ii) fast Hadean decline (
τ= 0.1 Myr) corresponding to rapid Hadean convection followed by slower decline (
τ= 200 Myr); and (iii) fast early Paleoproterozoic decline (
τ= 0.4 Myr) due to a change in the style of plate tectonics.
We thank M. Mahy of Parks Canada Nunavut Field Unit for assisting with fieldwork planning and Shuangquan Zhang at the IGGRC of Carleton University for technical support. This work was funded by a National Science Foundation grant awarded to F. Horton (NSF EAR-1911699), a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Discovery Grant awarded to H. Rizo (RGPIN-477144-2015), and an Ontario Early Researcher Award received by H. Rizo. Additional support came from a National Science Foundation grant awarded to S.G. Nielsen (EAR-1829546), the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Endowed Fund for Innovative Research, and a National Geographic Society grant (CP4-144R-18), which supported fieldwork activities. Comments from two anonymous reviewers and editor Raul O.C. Fonseca improved this manuscript.
Editor: Raúl Fonseca
Bouhifd, M.A., Jephcoat, A.P., Heber, V.S., Kelley, S.P. (2013) Helium in Earth’s early core. Nature Geoscience 6, 982–986. https://doi.org/10.1038/ngeo1959

Alternatively, high-3He/4He helium concentrated in the core might escape and become entrained in mantle plumes (Bouhifd et al., 2013).
View in article
Caro, G., Bourdon, B., Birck, J.-L., Moorbath, S. (2003) 146Sm–142Nd evidence from Isua metamorphosed sediments for early differentiation of the Earth’s mantle. Nature 423, 428–432. https://doi.org/10.1038/nature01668

By combining μ142Nd and μ182W constraints with our diffusion model, an early Earth chronology emerges. Some Eoarchean rocks have 142Nd anomalies (e.g., Caro et al., 2003) produced by igneous differentiation that fractionated Sm and Nd prior to 4 Ga.
View in article
Coltice, N., Moreira, M., Hernlund, J., Labrosse, S. (2011) Crystallization of a basal magma ocean recorded by Helium and Neon. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 308, 193–199. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2011.05.045

Magma ocean silicate cumulates generated in the aftermath of the Moon-forming giant impact should be depleted in incompatible trace elements and might host high-3He/4He helium (Coltice et al., 2011).
View in article
Day, J.M.D. (2013) Hotspot volcanism and highly siderophile elements. Chemical Geology 341, 50–74. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2012.12.010

However, bulk mixing of this much core into the mantle is mechanically improbable and inconsistent with the Os concentrations in Iceland and Baffin Island lavas (Rizo et al., 2016; Mundl-Petermeier et al., 2019), which limit the amount of bulk core contribution to <0.1 %, assuming 2.83 μg g−1 Os in the core (Day, 2013).
View in article
de Leeuw, G.A.M., Ellam, R.M., Stuart, F.M., Carlson, R.W. (2017) 142Nd/144Nd inferences on the nature and origin of the source of high 3He/4He magmas. Earth and Planetary Letters 472, 62–68. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2017.05.005

However, like most post-Archean mantle-derived rocks, Baffin Island (de Leeuw et al., 2017) and Iceland lavas (Murphy et al., 2010) lack 142Nd/144Nd anomalies. This indicates that the Iceland plume did not derive from mantle differentiated during the lifetimes of 146Sm or 182Hf.
View in article
Ferrick, A.L., Korenaga, J. (2023) Long-term core–mantle interaction explains W-He isotope heterogeneities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120, e2215903120. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2215903120

This observation is consistent with helium diffusion into Iceland mantle from—rather than bulk mixing with—a 3He-rich reservoir. Theoretically, He concentration gradients (Horton et al., 2023) and W isotopic gradients (Ferrick and Korenaga, 2023) exist across the core–mantle boundary (CMB) that could drive diffusion into the mantle (Fig. 2).
View in article
Helium may diffuse farther into mantle plume sources than W. Assuming the mantle plume source is stable on Gyr timescales (as expected for large low-shear wave velocity provinces, LLSVPs; e.g., Ferrick and Korenaga, 2023), the characteristic length scales of diffusion () for helium might be ∼40 km, if theoretical diffusion rates for the upper mantle (Wang et al., 2015) are extrapolated to lower mantle temperatures. For W, this length scale may be only 5–10 km (Ferrick and Korenaga, 2023), suggesting that mantle domains farther from the CMB may be characterised by He but not W isotopic anomalies.
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We assume that (i) the early mantle had μ182W of the Moon (+27); (ii) basal mantle acquired core-like μ182W corresponding to the characteristic length scale of diffusion (, where D is the diffusivity (D = 4.62 × 10−10 m2 s−1; Ferrick and Korenaga, 2023); and (iii) core-infused mantle parcels mixed efficiently into the bulk mantle. Diffusion can explain a μ182W decline to zero if τ is short (<30 Myr) and the CMB is <20 % insulated.
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Harðardóttir, S., Halldórsson, S.A., Hilton, D.R. (2018) Spatial distribution of helium isotopes in Icelandic geothermal fluids and volcanic materials with implications for location, upwelling and evolution of the Icelandic mantle plume. Chemical Geology 480, 12–27. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2017.05.012

Maximum 3He/4He in Iceland plume lavas apparently declined from >65 Ra at 62 Ma (Horton et al., 2023) to <26 Ra in the neovolcanic zones of Iceland (Harðardóttir et al., 2018).
View in article
Horton, F., Asimow, P.D., Farley, K.A., Curtice, J., Kurz, M.D., Blusztajn, J., Biasi, J., Boyes, X.M. (2023) Highest terrestrial 3He/4He credibly from the core. Nature 623, 90–94. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-06590-8

Lavas erupted at c. 62 Ma on Baffin Island above the Iceland mantle plume have the highest 3He/4He of any measured terrestrial igneous rock (Horton et al., 2023) and therefore contain an unusually pure primordial helium component.
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The helium isotopic compositions of Baffin Island lavas are well characterised (e.g., Horton et al., 2023; Table S-2) and have been reported for two samples analysed in this study: olivine crushing experiments for RB18-H3 and PING18-H2 imply minimum magmatic 3He/4He ratios of 36.8 ± 2.0 and 55.1 ± 1.3 Ra, respectively (Horton et al., 2023).
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Yet, the high-3He/4He helium and solar-like neon (Horton et al., 2023) in these rocks and other lavas from the Iceland plume have presumably been preserved in Earth since the late stages of planetary accretion. On a global scale, rock samples from all 15 hotspots with anomalously low μ182W also have anomalously high 3He/4He (Mundl-Petermeier et al., 2020).
View in article
This observation is consistent with helium diffusion into Iceland mantle from—rather than bulk mixing with—a 3He-rich reservoir. Theoretically, He concentration gradients (Horton et al., 2023) and W isotopic gradients (Ferrick and Korenaga, 2023) exist across the core–mantle boundary (CMB) that could drive diffusion into the mantle (Fig. 2).
View in article
Maximum 3He/4He in Iceland plume lavas apparently declined from >65 Ra at 62 Ma (Horton et al., 2023) to <26 Ra in the neovolcanic zones of Iceland (Harðardóttir et al., 2018).
View in article
Jackson, M.G., Blichert-Toft, J., Halldórsson, S.A., Mundl-Petermeier, A., Bizimis, M., Kurz, M.D., Price, A.A., Harðardóttir, S., Willhite, L.N., Beddam, K., Becker, T.W., Fischer, R.A. (2020) Ancient helium and tungsten isotopic signatures preserved in mantle domains least modified by crustal recycling. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117, 30993–31001. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2009663117

This model predicts that 3He/4He is highest in lavas with the most negative μ182W, a trend observed for all high-3He/4He hotspots, except the Iceland plume (Jackson et al., 2020).
View in article
Jansen, M.W., Tusch, J., Münker, C., Bragagni, A., Avanzinelli, R., Mastroianni, F., Stuart, F.M., Kurzweil, F. (2022) Upper mantle control on the W isotope record of shallow level plume and intraplate volcanic settings. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 585, 117507. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2022.117507

In this study, we reassess μ182W in high-3He/4He lavas from Baffin Island because previous attempts to measure their W isotopic compositions have produced inconsistent results (Rizo et al., 2016; Jansen et al., 2022).
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The lack of resolvable μ182W anomalies in Baffin Island lavas agrees with the results published by Jansen et al. (2022) and from the stratigraphically similar lavas from West Greenland (Mundl-Petermeier et al., 2019) but differs from the positive μ182W anomalies reported by Rizo et al. (2016).
View in article
Also, the absence of μ183W anomalies in data reported here alleviates concerns raised by the Jansen et al. (2022) dataset about contamination and mass-independent fractionation.
View in article
Jones, T.D., Davies, D.R., Sossi, P.A. (2019) Tungsten isotopes in mantle plumes: Heads it’s positive, tails it’s negative. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 506, 255–267. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2018.11.008

Negative μ182W anomalies may only exist in the Iceland plume tail, which may have preferentially entrained denser material proximal to the core–mantle boundary (Jones et al., 2019).
View in article
Kleine, T., Touboul, M., Bourdon, B., Nimmo, F., Mezger, K., Palme, H., Jacobsen, S.B., Yin, Q.-Z., Halliday, A.N. (2009) Hf–W chronology of the accretion and early evolution of asteroids and terrestrial planets. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73, 5150–5188. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2008.11.047

The upper terrestrial mantle has μ182W ≈ 0 (where μ182W = [(182W/184W)sample/(182W/184W)standard − 1] × 106), which is substantially higher than the average μ182W of chondrites of approximately −190 (Kleine et al., 2009).
View in article
Kruijer, T.S., Sprung, P., Kleine, T., Leya, I., Burkhardt, C., Wieler, R. (2012) Hf–W chronometry of core formation in planetesimals inferred from weakly irradiated iron meteorites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 99, 287–304. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2012.09.015

The primordial mantle likely had positive μ182W, based on the positive μ182W compositions of the Moon (Kruijer et al., 2012; Touboul et al., 2015) and mantle-derived rocks in the Archean (e.g., Reimink et al., 2020, and references therein).
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Kurz, M.D., Jenkins, W.J., Hart, S.R. (1982) Helium isotopic systematics of oceanic islands and mantle heterogeneity. Nature 297, 43–47. https://doi.org/10.1038/297043a0

Two competing models have emerged that might explain the preservation of these ancient heterogeneities: (1) the preservation of ancient gas-rich mantle domains (e.g., Kurz et al., 1982) and (2) core–mantle chemical exchange since planetary accretion (e.g., Rizo et al., 2019).
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Traditionally, high 3He/4He has been attributed to the preservation of primordial mantle domains, either in the entire lower mantle (e.g., Kurz et al., 1982) or within certain regions in the lower mantle (e.g., Rizo et al., 2016).
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Marchi, S., Canup, R.M., Walker, R.J. (2018) Heterogeneous delivery of silicate and metal to the Earth by large planetesimals. Nature Geoscience 11, 77–81. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41561-017-0022-3

Mantle domains that contain an above average amount of late accreting material have been proposed as alternative sources of negative μ182W (Marchi et al., 2018).
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Mukhopadhyay, S., Parai, R. (2019) Noble Gases: A Record of Earth’s Evolution and Mantle Dynamics. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 47, 389–419. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-earth-053018-060238

This suggests that μ182W anomalies are associated with geochemical reservoirs that retain primordial 3He trapped during planetary accretion before nebular gases dispersed, or 3He that was accreted later from solar wind irradiated meteoritic material (Mukhopadhyay and Parai, 2019).
View in article
Mundl-Petermeier, A., Walker, R.J., Jackson, M.G., Blichert-Toft, J., Kurz, M.D., Halldórsson, S.A. (2019) Temporal evolution of primordial tungsten-182 and 3He/4He signatures in the Iceland mantle plume. Chemical Geology 525, 245–259. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.07.026

Mantle plumes that sample the deepest portions of the mantle contain isotopic evidence of ancient, >4.5 Gyr, geochemical reservoirs that survived the mixing caused by giant impacts during the final stages of planetary accretion and billions of years of mantle convection (Mundl-Petermeier et al., 2019).
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If so, core–mantle exchange may explain the observation that high-3He/4He ratios correlate with low μ182W in some mantle plumes (Mundl-Petermeier et al., 2019, 2020).
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The lack of resolvable μ182W anomalies in Baffin Island lavas agrees with the results published by Jansen et al. (2022) and from the stratigraphically similar lavas from West Greenland (Mundl-Petermeier et al., 2019) but differs from the positive μ182W anomalies reported by Rizo et al. (2016).
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Given the above discussion, combined with W isotope evidence from other mantle plumes, the negative μ182W anomalies (as low as −12.9) in some Iceland high-3He/4He lavas might derive from the core (Mundl-Petermeier et al., 2019).
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However, bulk mixing of this much core into the mantle is mechanically improbable and inconsistent with the Os concentrations in Iceland and Baffin Island lavas (Rizo et al., 2016; Mundl-Petermeier et al., 2019), which limit the amount of bulk core contribution to <0.1 %, assuming 2.83 μg g−1 Os in the core (Day, 2013).
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Importantly, 3He/4He appears decoupled from not only W but also from lithophile elements, HSEs, and heavier noble gases in the Iceland plume (e.g., Mundl-Petermeier et al., 2019).
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Mundl-Petermeier, A., Walker, R.J., Fischer, R.A., Lekic, V., Jackson, M.G., Kurz, M.D. (2020) Anomalous 182W in high 3He/4He ocean island basalts: Fingerprints of Earth’s core? Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 271, 194–211. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2019.12.020

Intriguingly, some of the lowest μ182W values have been measured in lavas with elevated 3He/4He compared to upper mantle values (greater than ∼8 Ra, where Ra is the atmospheric ratio; e.g., Mundl-Petermeier et al., 2020).
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If so, core–mantle exchange may explain the observation that high-3He/4He ratios correlate with low μ182W in some mantle plumes (Mundl-Petermeier et al., 2019, 2020).
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Yet, the high-3He/4He helium and solar-like neon (Horton et al., 2023) in these rocks and other lavas from the Iceland plume have presumably been preserved in Earth since the late stages of planetary accretion. On a global scale, rock samples from all 15 hotspots with anomalously low μ182W also have anomalously high 3He/4He (Mundl-Petermeier et al., 2020).
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Murphy, D.T., Brandon, A.D., Debaille, V., Burgess, R., Ballentine, C. (2010) In search of a hidden long-term isolated sub-chondritic 142Nd/144Nd reservoir in the deep mantle: Implications for the Nd isotope systematics of the Earth. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74, 738–750. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2009.10.005

However, like most post-Archean mantle-derived rocks, Baffin Island (de Leeuw et al., 2017) and Iceland lavas (Murphy et al., 2010) lack 142Nd/144Nd anomalies. This indicates that the Iceland plume did not derive from mantle differentiated during the lifetimes of 146Sm or 182Hf.
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Nakanishi, N., Puchtel, I.S., Walker, R.J., Nabelek, P.I. (2023) Dissipation of Tungsten-182 Anomalies in the Archean Upper Mantle: Evidence from the Black Hills, South Dakota, USA. Chemical Geology 617, 121255. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2022.121255

(b) A compilation of μ182W data (Reimink et al., 2020; Nakanishi et al., 2023) and three potential mantle μ182W trajectories: (i) constant τ = 35 Myr; (ii) fast Hadean decline (τ = 0.1 Myr) corresponding to rapid Hadean convection followed by slower decline (τ = 200 Myr); and (iii) fast early Paleoproterozoic decline (τ = 0.4 Myr) due to a change in the style of plate tectonics.
View in article
Reimink, J.R., Mundl-Petermeier, A., Carlson, R.W., Shirey, S.B., Walker, R.J., Pearson, D.G. (2020) Tungsten Isotope Composition of Archean Crustal Reservoirs and Implications for Terrestrial μ182W Evolution. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 21, e2020GC009155. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GC009155

The primordial mantle likely had positive μ182W, based on the positive μ182W compositions of the Moon (Kruijer et al., 2012; Touboul et al., 2015) and mantle-derived rocks in the Archean (e.g., Reimink et al., 2020, and references therein).
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(b) A compilation of μ182W data (Reimink et al., 2020; Nakanishi et al., 2023) and three potential mantle μ182W trajectories: (i) constant τ = 35 Myr; (ii) fast Hadean decline (τ = 0.1 Myr) corresponding to rapid Hadean convection followed by slower decline (τ = 200 Myr); and (iii) fast early Paleoproterozoic decline (τ = 0.4 Myr) due to a change in the style of plate tectonics.
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Righter, K., Shearer, C.K. (2003) Magmatic fractionation of Hf and W: constraints on the timing of core formation and differentiation in the Moon and Mars. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 67, 2497–2507. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0016-7037(02)01349-2

If formed while 182Hf was extant, cumulates would presumably acquire a positive μ182W composition because W is more incompatible than Hf in silicate minerals (Righter and Shearer, 2003).
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Rizo, H., Walker, R.J., Carlson, R.W., Horan, M.F., Mukhopadhyay, S., Manthos, V., Francis, D., Jackson, M.G. (2016) Preservation of Earth-forming events in the tungsten isotopic composition of modern flood basalts. Science 352, 809–812. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aad8563

Traditionally, high 3He/4He has been attributed to the preservation of primordial mantle domains, either in the entire lower mantle (e.g., Kurz et al., 1982) or within certain regions in the lower mantle (e.g., Rizo et al., 2016).
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In this study, we reassess μ182W in high-3He/4He lavas from Baffin Island because previous attempts to measure their W isotopic compositions have produced inconsistent results (Rizo et al., 2016; Jansen et al., 2022).
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The lack of resolvable μ182W anomalies in Baffin Island lavas agrees with the results published by Jansen et al. (2022) and from the stratigraphically similar lavas from West Greenland (Mundl-Petermeier et al., 2019) but differs from the positive μ182W anomalies reported by Rizo et al. (2016).
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Improvements in N-TIMS techniques, including the ability to quantify the oxygen isotopic compositions during tungsten oxide measurements (see Supplementary Information), give us confidence that these results are more representative of the Baffin Island mantle source than results published in Rizo et al. (2016), which should be interpreted with caution.
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However, bulk mixing of this much core into the mantle is mechanically improbable and inconsistent with the Os concentrations in Iceland and Baffin Island lavas (Rizo et al., 2016; Mundl-Petermeier et al., 2019), which limit the amount of bulk core contribution to <0.1 %, assuming 2.83 μg g−1 Os in the core (Day, 2013).
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Rizo, H., Andrault, D., Bennett, N.R., Humayun, M., Brandon, A., Vlastelic, I., Moine, B., Poirier, A., Bouhifd, M.A., Murphy, D.T. (2019) 182W evidence for core-mantle interaction in the source of mantle plumes. Geochemical Perspectives Letters 11, 6–11. https://doi.org/10.7185/geochemlet.1917

Two competing models have emerged that might explain the preservation of these ancient heterogeneities: (1) the preservation of ancient gas-rich mantle domains (e.g., Kurz et al., 1982) and (2) core–mantle chemical exchange since planetary accretion (e.g., Rizo et al., 2019).
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Therefore, negative μ182W values observed in some mantle plume-related magmas may be evidence of core–mantle exchange (e.g., Rizo et al., 2019).
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However, late accretion seems an unlikely common source of W and He because most late accreting material is expected to have high 3He/4He and to be HSE-rich, yet high-3He/4He helium in late accreting materials would not necessarily enter the mantle, and HSE abundances do not correlate with μ182W or 3He/4He in mantle plumes (e.g., Rizo et al., 2019).
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Shorttle, O., Maclennan, J. (2011) Compositional trends of Icelandic basalts: Implications for short–length scale lithological heterogeneity in mantle plumes. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 12, Q11008. https://doi.org/10.1029/2011GC003748

This decline could be due to the incorporation of convecting upper mantle into the Iceland plume—enough to explain up to a 40 % MORB component in modern Iceland lavas—as a result of the ridge-centred plume position (Shorttle and Maclennan, 2011).
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Touboul, M., Puchtel, I.S., Walker, R.J. (2012) 182W Evidence for Long-Term Preservation of Early Mantle Differentiation Products. Science 335, 1065–1069. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1216351

Alternatively, the lowermost mantle could host ancient isotopic heterogeneities, either resulting from early silicate differentiation events (e.g., Touboul et al., 2012) or introduced during the late accretion of chondritic material with low μ182W relative to the terrestrial mantle (e.g., Willbold et al., 2011).
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Such differentiation could be expected to also fractionate Hf from W, so any differentiation that occurred before 182Hf became extinct would have produced μ182W anomalies that would correlate with μ142Nd variations (Touboul et al., 2012).
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Touboul, M., Puchtel, I.S., Walker, R.J. (2015) Tungsten isotopic evidence for disproportional late accretion to the Earth and Moon. Nature 520, 530–533. https://doi.org/10.1038/nature14355

The primordial mantle likely had positive μ182W, based on the positive μ182W compositions of the Moon (Kruijer et al., 2012; Touboul et al., 2015) and mantle-derived rocks in the Archean (e.g., Reimink et al., 2020, and references therein).
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Tusch, J., Hoffmann, J.E., Hasenstab, E., Fischer-Gödde, M., Marien, C.S., Wilson, A.H., Münker, C. (2022) Long-term preservation of Hadean protocrust in Earth’s mantle. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119, e2120241119. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2120241119

Silicate differentiation within Hadean crust might have produced restite with low μ182W decoupled from 142Nd/144Nd (Tusch et al., 2022).
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Vockenhuber, C., Bichler, M., Golser, R., Kutschera, W., Priller, A., Steier, P., Winkler, S. (2004) 182Hf, a new isotope for AMS. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 223–224, 823–828. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2004.04.152

During the first ∼60 Myr of solar system history, 182W was produced by the decay of the now extinct radionuclide 182Hf (t1/2 = 8.9 Myr; Vockenhuber et al., 2004).
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Wade, J., Wood, B.J., Norris, C.A. (2013) The oxidation state of tungsten in silicate melt at high pressures and temperatures. Chemical Geology 335, 189–193. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2012.10.011

Because Hf is lithophile while W is moderately siderophile under reducing conditions (e.g., Wade et al., 2013), core formation increased the Hf/W of the mantle and left the metallic core with Hf/W near zero.
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Wang, K., Brodholt, J., Lu, X. (2015) Helium diffusion in olivine from first principles calculations. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 156, 145–153. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2015.01.023

Helium may diffuse farther into mantle plume sources than W. Assuming the mantle plume source is stable on Gyr timescales (as expected for large low-shear wave velocity provinces, LLSVPs; e.g., Ferrick and Korenaga, 2023), the characteristic length scales of diffusion () for helium might be ∼40 km, if theoretical diffusion rates for the upper mantle (Wang et al., 2015) are extrapolated to lower mantle temperatures. For W, this length scale may be only 5–10 km (Ferrick and Korenaga, 2023), suggesting that mantle domains farther from the CMB may be characterised by He but not W isotopic anomalies.
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Willbold, M., Elliott, T., Moorbath, S. (2011) The tungsten isotopic composition of the Earth’s mantle before the terminal bombardment. Nature 477, 195–198. https://doi.org/10.1038/nature10399

Alternatively, the lowermost mantle could host ancient isotopic heterogeneities, either resulting from early silicate differentiation events (e.g., Touboul et al., 2012) or introduced during the late accretion of chondritic material with low μ182W relative to the terrestrial mantle (e.g., Willbold et al., 2011).
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The μ182W of the convecting mantle may have decreased by ∼27 since Moon formation, based on lunar and Eoarchean terrestrial rock compositions (e.g., Willbold et al., 2011).
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About 0.5 wt. % of late accreting chondritic material with high W and highly siderophile element (HSE) concentrations but low μ182W might explain the decline in mantle μ182W (Willbold et al., 2011).
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Willhite, L.N., Jackson, M.G., Blichert‐Toft, J., Bindeman, I., Kurz, M.D., Halldórsson, S.A., Harðardóttir, S., Gazel, E., Price, A.A., Byerly, B.L. (2019) Hot and Heterogenous High‐3He/4He Components: New Constraints From Proto‐Iceland Plume Lavas From Baffin Island. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 20, 5939–5967. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GC008654

However, modern mantle plumes do not have positive μ182W. Furthermore, the Baffin Island lavas have superchondritic 143Nd/144Nd and 176Hf/177Hf (Willhite et al., 2019), suggesting they are not derived from a primordial mantle component but a differentiated mantle reservoir.
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Supplementary Information
The Supplementary Information includes:
- 1. Analytical Methods
- 2. Methodology Developments
- 3. Crustal Contamination
- 4. Calculating Diffusion in the Long-term Stable Mantle Plume Source
- 5. Diffusion Calculations in the Convecting Mantle
- Tables S-1 to S-2
- Figures S-1 and S-6
- Supplementary Information References
Download the Supplementary Information (PDF)

Figure 1 (a) μ182W and (b) μ183W for Alfa Aesar standard, NIST 3163 standard, and Baffin Island lavas.

Figure 2 Conceptual model of a stratified Iceland plume source region. (a) On Gyr timescales, diffusion across the CMB may lower μ182W and raise 3He/4He in the lowermost mantle on different length scales. (b) In such a scenario, there would be isotopic gradients in the lowermost mantle from the core (μ182W = −200, 3He/4He = 120 Ra) to ambient mantle (μ182W = 0, 3He/4He = 8 Ra). Iceland and Baffin Island mantle sources may derive from within and beyond the region impacted by W isotopic diffusion, respectively. Calculations for the isotopic composition curves are in the Supplementary Information and assume a diffusion timescale of 1 Gyr.

Figure 3 (a) Modern mantle μ182W may be a function of the mantle residence time, τ, at the CMB and the percentage of the core surface area, ξ, insulated by long-term stable structures. We assume that (i) the early mantle had μ182W of the Moon (+27); (ii) basal mantle acquired core-like μ182W corresponding to the characteristic length scale of diffusion (

Ferrick, A.L., Korenaga, J. (2023) Long-term core–mantle interaction explains W-He isotope heterogeneities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120, e2215903120. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2215903120
); and (iii) core-infused mantle parcels mixed efficiently into the bulk mantle. Diffusion can explain a μ182W decline to zero if τ is short (<30 Myr) and the CMB is <20 % insulated. (b) A compilation of μ182W data (Reimink et al., 2020Reimink, J.R., Mundl-Petermeier, A., Carlson, R.W., Shirey, S.B., Walker, R.J., Pearson, D.G. (2020) Tungsten Isotope Composition of Archean Crustal Reservoirs and Implications for Terrestrial μ182W Evolution. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 21, e2020GC009155. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GC009155
; Nakanishi et al., 2023Nakanishi, N., Puchtel, I.S., Walker, R.J., Nabelek, P.I. (2023) Dissipation of Tungsten-182 Anomalies in the Archean Upper Mantle: Evidence from the Black Hills, South Dakota, USA. Chemical Geology 617, 121255. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2022.121255
) and three potential mantle μ182W trajectories: (i) constant τ = 35 Myr; (ii) fast Hadean decline (τ = 0.1 Myr) corresponding to rapid Hadean convection followed by slower decline (τ = 200 Myr); and (iii) fast early Paleoproterozoic decline (τ = 0.4 Myr) due to a change in the style of plate tectonics.