Environmental pressure from the 2014–15 eruption of Bárðarbunga volcano, Iceland
S.R. Gíslason, G. Stefánsdóttir, M.A. Pfeffer, S. Barsotti, Th. Jóhannsson, I. Galeczka, E. Bali, O. Sigmarsson, A. Stefánsson, N.S. Keller, Á. Sigurdsson, B. Bergsson, B. Galle, V.C. Jacobo, S. Arellano, A. Aiuppa, E.B. Jónasdóttir, E.S. Eiríksdóttir, S. Jakobsson,...
Magnesium isotopic systematics of metapelite in the deep crust and implications for granite petrogenesis
S.-J. Wang, F.-Z. Teng, F. Bea 1 1508 17 April 2015 05 June 2015 22 June 2015 75 83 0 Next article >> 830 ºC; Whalen et al., 1987 Whalen, J.B., Currie, K.L., Chappell, B.W. (1987) A-type granites: geochemical characteristics, discrimination and petrogenesis....
Extreme 18O-enrichment in majorite constrains a crustal origin of transition zone diamonds
R.B. Ickert, T. Stachel, R.A. Stern, J.W. Harris 1 1507 13 May 2015 18 May 2015 9 June 2015 65 74 0 Next article >> 7 ‰) sufficiently strong to cause the observed 13C depleted signature. Similarly, evidence based on the rare earth element signatures (observation of...
Copper isotope evidence for large-scale sulphide fractionation during Earth’s differentiation
P.S. Savage, F. Moynier, H. Chen, J. Siebert, J. Badro, I.S. Puchtel, G. Shofner 1 1506 18 March 2015 10 April 2015 4 June 2015 53 64 0 Next article >> 0.2. Error bars are 1 s.d. Table S-1 Cu isotope standards. Table S-2 Komatiites. Table S-3 Peridotites (orogenic...