Corrigendum to “Mercury reallocation in thawing subarctic peatlands” by Fahnestock et al., 2019
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Correction to: Geochemical Perspectives Letters 11, 33–38, doi: 10.7185/geochemlet.1922, published on 14 October 2019.The authors have identified a missing citation in Figure S-1 of the Supplementary Information accompanying the main article. The caption for Figure S-1 has been now been corrected and the corresponding reference has been added to the Supplementary Information reference list.Palace, M., Herrick, C., DelGreco, J., Finnell, D., Garnello, A.J., McCalley, C., McArthur, K., Sullivan, F., Varner, R.K. (2018) Determining Subarctic Peatland Vegetation Using an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS). Remote Sensing 10, 1498, doi: 10.3390/rs10091498.
). The box frames outline the areas containing autochambers and sampling sites for this study.Reference
Palace, M., Herrick, C., DelGreco, J., Finnell, D., Garnello, A.J., McCalley, C., McArthur, K., Sullivan, F., Varner, R.K. (2018) Determining Subarctic Peatland Vegetation Using an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS). Remote Sensing 10, 1498, doi: 10.3390/rs10091498.
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Figure S-1 Unmanned Aerial Image of Stordalen Mire (Palace et al., 2018 Palace, M., Herrick, C., DelGreco, J., Finnell, D., Garnello, A.J., McCalley, C., McArthur, K., Sullivan, F., Varner, R.K. (2018) Determining Subarctic Peatland Vegetation Using an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS).View in article